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Your overall online presence is


Your restaurant’s growth is pretty healthy, but could still see some improvements with a unified digital solution

See the full report

Your web presence is


Slow websites tend to frustrate users and increase abandonment. As a result, search engines tend to favor websites that load faster.

Here is what we look at to determine your score:

We look for your restaurant name and location in search results and Google My Business to see if you have a social media presence connected to your brand and references pointing back to your restaurant across the web.

See the next section

Your web performance is


Slow websites tend to frustrate users and increase abandonment. As a result, search engines tend to favor websites that load faster.

Here is what we look at to determine your score:

Performance measures how quickly a website visitor can load and interact with a webpage and how it tests against ADA accessibility guidelines. We use a test to load pages and clock various speed and performance factors to see how quickly and easily the visitor can begin interacting with your website.

See the next section

Your reviews are


Customers are more likely to select the one with better reviews 91% of the time when choosing between multiple restaurants

Here is what we look at to determine your score:

We look at your reviews across the web and assign your score based on your overall search ranking and review rating.

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